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2025 SST Positions to be released
January 13
The engine training and operations department of the TSES VII would like you all to consider participating in SST 2025. We could use folks with active USCG licenses for watch standing or training. If your license is inactive, we could use you as an instructor in the training department. If you are able, please consider helping us with the upcoming 2025 summer training cruise.
TIMING: Posting of jobs and applications will be available in January 2025. We may be reaching out a bit early this year, but since this may require job coordination, application for a TWIC, MMC or medical certificate, we wanted to put this on the minds and calendars of interested folks now.
CRUISE DATES: Pre-cruise starts 30 May and the ship is scheduled to depart Maritime College on 4 June. The ship returns on 6 August and “post cruise” ends on 8 August. Ports and dates are not available at this time. There are usually “segments or legs” of the cruise that can be done.
Please consider this opportunity. If you need help with TWIC, Med certs and MMD paperwork please contact Catherine Strez (cstrez@sunymaritime.edu) to help you navigate the process.